Thursday, August 25, 2011


I messed up.

In a BIG way.

And I didn’t even realize it until after I looked back and saw it.

You know that feeling of messing up after you carry something from one place to another and you think everything is fine and then you look back and you scratched the wall up or left a trail of paint behind you.

That’s how it felt.

You see I made the mistake that a lot of people make, but may not admit. I was WAITING.

Waiting on a lot of stuff. Thinking one day as I walked in this life, happiness, success and whatever else would come along and sit with me.

Yep always smiling….yet waiting.

Don’t pass judgment on me. Cause a lot of yall are waiting on something too.

Waiting on a person to “complete” you.

Waiting until you get married to be a “new” you or the “real” you.

Waiting on that ex to see the error of their ways.

Waiting on an apology before you forgive.

Waiting until your moneys right to go back to school or invest.

Waiting until you stop that bad habit before you join a church.

Waiting on your soul mate.

Waiting until you have all the playa playa out your system.

Waiting on the right time.

Waiting on your spouse to get right.

Waiting on tomorrow.

Am I lying?

Once I saw the mess I made I had to ask myself, why are you waiting?

When are you gonna clean up the mess YOU made?

But that would take action and if I’ve been waiting……what do I change?

I looked up the word and waiting is known as a verb, noun or an adjective in the dictionary.

Hold on….A verb?

But you aren’t doing anything!!

The most common definition says its

1. The act of remaining inactive or stationary.

2. A period of time spent waiting

See! We aint doing nothing.

We are waiting….

If I don’t remember anything else from elementary school I know that a verb means ACTION.

So I refuse to accept my inaction of waiting as a verb.

I refuse to believe my doing nothing is an action.

But guess what….it is!

It’s DOING nothing. Making the choice to not LIVE,


I know I got some saints reading this saying

“Scripture says Yet those who wait for the LORD Will renew their strength; “

But if you waiting…..what you need the strength for? You aint doing nothing…

Then the question becomes,

But are you supposed to be DOING something while you wait…..

Deep huh?

See the rest of the verse says

“They will mount up with wings like eagles, They will run and not get tired, They will walk and not become weary.”

Doesn’t that sound like movement to you?

Meaning we are to wait as in “expect and look for help”

….yet not sit still…..

So I decided to replace my Waiting with some REAL verbs.

Some MOVEMENT, some LIVING, some GIVING, some BEING..some WORK.

Then my conscious said Faith without WORKS is dead.

Once again….aint nobody told you to sit still.

But we are and we moan and complain about how bored we are, when is he/she coming……


Love Terry Mac to death but some of ya’ll gone die “Waiting to EXHALE!”

You better breathe fool!

Go on a date

Take a trip

Go to church

Have an adventure

Or a quick romance…

Meet some new friends and do something different…


Notice the words I used…

GO, TAKE, HAVE, MOVE, DO…all real verbs! LOL

Meaning DO YOU while you WAIT! Don’t sit still.

Movement creates energy

And Energy Attracts Energy

That’s the law of attraction in three simple words.

Every notice when you get busy….more opportunities come to you?

Oh you don’t? Well then you haven’t been busy enough! HA! Try it!

So guess what? I got busy with my verbs and I’m doing me.

Slowly but surely, but the more I move, the more I feel the energy.

Coming to meet me in my movement….and not sitting still.